Bluebell wood near Ambleside in the Lake District

Lake District Woodland Photography

At this time of year, the trees put on a magnificent display of colour. The forests of the Lake District dazzle with the brightness of the foliage and the softly falling leaves form a carpet that squishes or crackles underfoot. Whatever weather the season brings, woodland offers the photographer some wonderful scenes to capture: bright winter sunlight breaking through the bare branches; deep mist gently settling on the ground; and rain causing the landscape to sparkle.

There’s nothing quite as atmospheric as a wintry or autumnal woodland and I love to get out there with my camera and shoot away. Come rain or shine, I’m always amazed at the beauty that the trees offer.

Woodland Sunburst

Sunburst through trees

Some days seem colourless and uninteresting. Rain hangs damply in the air and the solid mass of grey cloud makes it difficult to see where the earth ends and the sky begins. On such a day I was wandering through this Lake District forest when suddenly the sun appeared and a bright burst of light shot between the trees.

The fronds of slumbering bracken came into sharp relief, and their subdued colours took on vibrant hues. My trudging walk suddenly become much more upbeat as I grabbed my camera and started snapping away.

Misty mountains

Mist over the forest at Thirlmere

Thirlmere, in the northern Lake District, is often overlooked for its more popular counterparts like nearby Derwentwater and Grasmere. This 3-mile-long reservoir is a lonely and stark-looking place surrounded by woodland. On a rainy autumn day, in particular, it can look outright bleak. But there’s something so wonderful in this bleakness. It abounds with character and, even in a hazy shower, the bright oranges and dark greens of the trees stand out. The path calls out and encourages you to keep on walking to find out just how far into isolation you can go.


Misty sunrise near the River Brathay

You couldn’t say, from this shot, just how far the woodland reaches. It could be a thin strip of trees, or a vast expanse of forest that stretches for miles. The sun can’t yet break through the light mist, which distils the morning colours into soft apricot shades. And the edges of the trees are blurred, enjoying the last few moments of their night-time slumber before they welcome a new day.

It wasn’t too much longer before the sun won its battle and the mist was dispelled along with the final remnants of the dark. But this moment, captured between waking and sleeping, fills me with a warm and cosy feeling that simply can’t be matched in the middle of the day.

Blue mountains

Blue mountains through trees in the Lake District

When asked to think of the colours of autumn, you’ll no doubt imagine deep russets, bright oranges, mellow yellows, or burning reds. Blue is not often a shade associated with autumn, but the azure and navy in this image – sitting below a pale orange-pink sky – are striking. The barrier of leafless trees in front create a tantalising obstruction that only makes you want to push forward and onward to the fells. This image tells of adventure to come just beyond the tree line.

Morning mist

Mist in the woods in the Lake District

I don’t know what it is about a gentle mist, but everything always seems so still and peaceful when it’s around. I love to get up early to capture the smoky haze before the sunlight banishes it into nothingness. There’s something evocative and mystical about a misty woodland, especially when the stripped branches of the trees jaggedly reach for the skies. In this image, the unadorned wood of the trees contrasts beautifully with the lush green of the moss below.  You can almost feel the springy squelch of the ground as you step over it. But be careful, you don’t want to disturb the fairies!

Winter snow

Snow in the forest

These trees have seen it all. Their angled trunks tell a story of strong winds and raging nature. Yet still they stand, their deep roots sleeping under a thick bed of snow.

The location has a wonderful name: Sniggery Woods, as if the wind in the trees is enjoying some kind of unknown joke at my expense. Perhaps it recognises that my gloveless fingers are freezing as I try and capture that perfect shot in sub-zero temperatures.

The chill is worth it though for this monochrome shot and its striking contrasts. The smooth, freshly fallen snow is untouched, while the dark furrowed bark offers a polar opposite. Despite the giggling gusts, the scene is a peaceful one.

Looking forward to spring

Bluebell wood in the Lake District

Does anything colour a forest floor better than the humble bluebell? As much as I enjoy a woodland wander in the cooler months, there’s a real joy that comes with the arrival of the dainty flower. It heralds the start of spring and creates wondrous sights as the blooms stretch far into the distance of any woodland blessed with their presence.

Lake District Woodland Prints

All these prints and more are available to purchase online. Browse the photos and take home your own shady spot.

Lake District woodland photos.

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